Physical Education Class with Mr. Pecor and Mr. Wilkes
Hopefully this lesson plan finds everyone healthy and safe!! This lesson is a toss and catch challenge. All you will need is a ball (like a tennis ball), or a stuffed animal, or even 2 socks stuffed together would work. You can do this outside or inside. If you decide to do it inside just make sure you have enough space to be able to throw and catch. For the sake of the challenge I’m going to pretend that you are using a ball. Challenge time: Practice each challenge for 30 seconds. Then challenge yourself for 1 minute! How many catches can you do in a minute. 1. Throw the ball up with one hand and catch the ball with 2 hands. 2. Throw the ball up with 1 hand and catch the ball with one hand 3. Throw the ball up and clap then catch the ball 4. Throw the ball up and clap twice 5. Throw the ball up and see how many claps you can do 6. Throw the ball up and touch your knees then catch 7. Throw the ball up and touch your shoulders then catch 8. Throw the ball and touch the ground then catch 9. Throw the ball up and spin around then catch 10. Throw the ball up then walk and catch 11. Throw the ball up and go backwards and catch 12. Outside only!! Throw the ball up and try running and catching 13. Now go on your knees and throw the ball up and catch 14. Now sit and throw the ball up and catch 15. Try lying on the ground or floor As we always say in P.E. “Don’t get frustrated were only practicing just to get better.”


  1. I did it Mr.Pecor!

    Brooklyn .S

  2. Hi mr Pecor im Lucy vo i used to go to porters point school 6 years ago just saying i hope your having an amazing time teaching PE and have a wonderful year.


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